
The SoberTool community is a safe place for users of SoberTool to describe their recovery, see how others are coming along, and share their experiences using SoberTool.

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Please use SoberTool's Forum to post comments and interact with other users

New member

Am 19 days sober and feel my motivation to stay sober needs boosting.  This tool seems like a great way to do that. 


Day seven, I'm loving the freedom of sobRites, I feel so empowered to be free n learning about who I am n the sober me. 

Reply to Resentments and Guilt

the best you can do is to practice a daily recovery program to stay clean and sober. Get a Sponsor and go to meetings. Work the 12 steps. When you reach steps 8 and 9 you can make direct amends to those your disease have hurt. Forgive yourself by staying clean.

Reply to what am I going to do w/out opiates

I was you at one time, I couldn't imagine going a day with out them. I was addicted for most of my adult life ...My doctors prescribed me darvon at age of 14. Then continued to up untill last year... Almost 40 years of mostly on. There is hope!! I had no choice to get off. If I can do it you can too. It's hard. Hardest thing I've ever done probably. I did it with a whole lot of help from my higher power which is God. I don't do meetings. I found this app & it's a great resource! I will pray for you.


I've been physically sick so much lately that I havent been able to attend my meetings. It's been about a month since I last attended and I am missing them. Emotionally, I feel ok, but the drinking dreams have already returned. Yuck

Day 23

i heard someone say during my first week of sobriety, the next time you are tempted to drink, don't recall just how the first sip tasted, but  play out the whole evening, the following morning.  Think about the hangover, the depression, the anxiety you woke up to the next morning.  Play the whole movie, not just the opening with the upbeat theme song.

Feeling Grateful!!!!

I'm so grateful that just for today I'm sober. This is how I been dealing with my recovery one day at a time so far it has work for me. And also THE RECOVERY GROUP have help me a lot.

11 Days

I have gone 11 days without alcohol. This app has been very helpful. Around day 5 I actually started to feel Gods love for me.

Resentments and Guilt

I am struggling big time with my guilt that I feel daily due to the people who I hurt very bad during my addiction. I have caused my Mom a great deal of suffering and some of it cannot be eased. I wish I could do something about it and do it quick. I would love to hear from any of you that might have some experience, strength and hope for me regarding this. 

A matter of time

I keep relapsing into drinking way too much. My family suffers, my work and my relationships. I know if I do not get grasp on this soon I will kill someone or myself. I am scared Im alone