
The SoberTool community is a safe place for users of SoberTool to describe their recovery, see how others are coming along, and share their experiences using SoberTool.

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Religion is dogma

Religion is an instituional series of beliefs and habits that relate to a Higher Power. One can have a personal relationship with a HP that is not dogmatized.

Reply To Starting Over and Scared

Keep going to meetings and get a Sponsor to work with you on the 12 Steps.

Starting Over &Scared

"I just recently used alcohol because of the anger of my actions of the know how too make the right decisions I went too AA met some people How Do I Start These Steps"

Bless you Bill.

3/28/2016 15:52

trying again

"On August 1 I began sobriety. I traveled to Paige, AZ to do a 500 foot bungee jump to kick it off. I then relapsed with 5 beers on Aug 25. I s then sober for 4 months and have since relapsed. I wasn't drinking like I used to but it was becoming a regular thing again. I told my mom today I have relapsed ""a few times"". She was loving and felt bad. Later she sent a text saying 'stay away from that drinking stuff it will trap you and destroy you sweetie'... She is right and I downloaded this app hours after that text. I want to stop and I need to stop.... I had to write this , I had to make a public declaration that I am going to be sober. Without sobriety my life will suffer and be stunted forever. Thanks for reading. Bill."

New to this sober going on 2 days

So been in a 24 month downward spiral lost my house car job and continued to drink more and more to deal with the depression. Well this past Saturday i was involved in a car accident due to me being intoxicated luckly nobody was hurt but this was my wake up call I wasn't wearing a seatbelt I should of been killed walked away with minor injuries I realize this was God saying wake up and see what u r doing and becoming I've made the choice to get sober I entered into a recovering program I start Friday I found these apps and r working good for me and I have been finding alot of support from ppl but there r also some ppl I have hurt to bad that won't support and that's okay maybe I need to prove myself to these ppl I will beat this addiction I will come out on top.

"Never give up, never give in, show no mercy against your addiction"

"Feb 21, 2016 Early in recovery, we frequently open our eyes to greet the new day with honest and sincere gratitude quiet often giving thanks to our higher power for letting us make it just one more day. However, as is with most long running repeated events in our life, that joy often diminishes, and we forget just how lucky we are for that gift. We must remain steadfast in our conviction, forever reminding ourselves to make the best of the time we have in the ""here and now,"" for yesterday is gone and no one is guaranteed tomorrow. This thought can, quite frequently, lead to an early recovering addict becoming disenchanted, waiting for the great gifts people often receive by living a clean life, to arrive on their doorstep. It is, therefore, imperative, during these cloudy days, to dig deeper, remembering to ""let go and let God,"" and most importantly, don't quit 5 mins before the miracle happens. ---Stephen Smith Original "


"Even the strongest Atheist cries out to GOD in the greatest moment of need. And peace is granted and the non-believer understands forever it is not about seeing, it is about faith,peace,hope forgivenessan LOVE."

Higher Power

"Interesting one today. A close friend who was 51 when he became sober (twelve years ago) has been my inspiration as a 40 year old who's only been sober 103 days. His higher power is hope and I've adopted that as mine too, realizing that was the energy that kept me alive even when I was at my bottle-and-beers-a-day worst. I hoped, had faith, that there was a purpose and wisdom to which I was connected. Even when I had nothing, not even a home, I know I had hope or I believe I would've taken actions that ended my life. That force was, and remains, high enough to inspire my sobriety every day, though I'm not in AA and don't believe in the Abrahamic God. Gotta add, SoberTool has also been there for me at many a low moment. Thanks to all who contribute."

a higher power

I have finally reached my peek. I'm proud of myself. I never thought I would quit. Being an addict is not fun. I took many days for me to commit. I have relapsed enough to resist the triggers. I'm happy and in the spirit of quitting.