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41 days sober!

created by: Christian1117 5 years, 2 months ago

Hi all. I’m new here. Thought I’d introduce myself. I’m a 38 yr old woman who has been an alcoholic since about 16. I’ve been trying to quit for the lpast 5 years. This will be my final attempt because I won’t have to again. I hoping to find some supportive and understanding people here. I’ve lost most of my old and new friends due to my drinking. My husband is supportive, but doesn’t have a drinking problem. He doesn’t get it. Thanks everyone!

by: Christian1117 5 years, 2 months ago
replying to Christian1117

If you had amnesia tomorrow, your drinking career would be ovet

by: Gilligan 5 years, 2 months ago

Hi glad you are here we here to support you Was sober for 19 years on my 50 Th Birthday my thought was I will die soon I should have some fun well it been 9 years drinking every day worse than than I finally want to be done with this madness and quite 18 days ago we can do it I am done please do one day at a time get help much love Rosie

by: Rosie 5 years, 2 months ago
replying to Rosie

Love you Rosie! Keep going. Can't change the past. We can change today and our future if we live an effective recovery program. For me, it's more than meetings. It's meetings plus awareness of when I am losing touch with the spiritual concepts. Then, I need to share my secrets for I am lost alone.

by: Clean 5 years, 2 months ago

Find an AA meeting, the support is great and everyone in the room will understand and support without judgement! Then work the steps and become actively involved in your tecovery. It's not just about "not drinking".
I could not have done it without AA, my sober sisters and my sponsors. Work the program. It isn't easy but your life WILL change for the better. The work you do will prove much easier than the consequences of drinking. Good luck!

by: anonymous 5 years, 2 months ago