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struggling today

created by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago

I got clean from meth 1 year after my mom passed away. I had been clean a few weeks when she passed,but unable to cope I turned to what I knew best.....meth. today I am clean but struggling especially since her birthday is in 6 days. I miss her so bad and to honest I want to use so I will stop hurting for a min

by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Puddin

You need to be around other people who are in recovery. You need to get and use a sponsor. You need to get to at least one 12-step meeting a day. The last thing your mother would want is for you to relapse. You should substitute your pity party by remembering and celebrating the times that you had together that caused this tremendous love you have for her. Congratulations on your 6 days.

by: Grateful 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Grateful

mom passed 7-8-15, I got clean 7-8-16, so I've got 961 days and believe I will not use I will not slip!!! this wasn't a pity party either. yes I'm struggling due to her birthday being in 6 days but I have and will continue to stay around positive influences I will not relapse I am stronger than my addiction

by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Puddin

Make her proud by staying the course.

by: anonymous 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to anonymous

I will.... it's the only option I have given myself

by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Puddin

I can greatly empathize. My mother passed last year and we just passed the one year anniversary of it. My dad is already dating other people. I feel like she is gone and has been replaced so soon. Just know that you are not alone. Congratulations on your sober time

by: NewLeashonLife 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to NewLeashonLife

my dad as too. I told him if being with someone made him happy then by all means do so but there will never be another like my mom. thank u

by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Puddin

I completely understand how you feel. That being said; honor yourself and your mom by staying sober. You and everyone around you is better because of your sobriety.

by: SS1986 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to SS1986

yes I absolutely agree everyone and everything is much better with sobriety! I still have my days/moments of desire but with God, my amazing support system, mom as my angel, and my absolute will not to go back and to keep being the best me i can for myself and family I will stay sober. I refuse to let myself think for even a second that I can do it just 1time. I will not let myself fall again! thank u

by: Puddin 5 years, 1 month ago
replying to Puddin

i know your mother is with you every step. What works for me is to sit quietly through out the day (as often as needed). And meditate on realizing i am ok in just this moment and to continue to be guided on just doing the next right thing. just in this moment of this beautiful day i have been gifted to be a part of.

by: ChadC 5 years, 1 month ago

I am proud of you. I'm sure your mother are too. It is stories like yours that encourage me from day to day to continue the journey of sobriety. One of the women I loved the most in my life was my Grandmother and I am grateful to the Higher Power that I spent the last night of her together in the hospital and I was sober for 3 months. That was almost 3 years ago. Every time that discouragement and sadness tries to return to the soul, I remember the battles, defeats and conquests of the companions of the A.A’s mettings and stories like yours, soon I raise the head and I go ahead. You are Not alone! be sure about it. Peace, Harmony, Serenity, Courage and Wisdom.

by: jasand 5 years, 1 month ago

im just so sad and miserable. im a coward

by: anonymous 5 years, 1 month ago

sooooo struggling.

by: anonymous 5 years, 1 month ago

my mother left me when I was 2 years old I lived my 56 years without one be grateful for the time u had with her show your gratitude to her by doing for her and staying clean for yourself

by: Djchunky 5 years, 1 month ago