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my spouse uses and im trying to quit

created by: Red 5 years, 6 months ago

I've tried to quit using time and time again, and it's not my spouse's fault I say yes... but I know if it wasn't always at an arm's length away that I would've quit by now. it's just always right there and there's "just one more time". I've asked my spouse to not offer it to me and I've said it a hundred times, then used again. I'm so disappointed in my failures. I want to be a better person than this. I'm hoping this app will give me some needed support and answers right now.

by: Red 5 years, 6 months ago
replying to Red

Prayers for you. You may have to make some difficult decisions about your spouse. Your sobrietymust come first. You can't control anyone.

by: anonymous 5 years, 6 months ago
replying to Red

You may want to seek additional help. I am in the same situation. It makes me unhappy with her and I love her with my life, and makes it a lot harder to quit. You will not be able to make her quit, she has to want that for herself. I was thinking about couples therapy. Its exceptionally hard to quit when she asks me to get the stuff. It does not even register with her what she is doing. Not even when I tell her. When you are stuck in the addiction, you cant see the way out. I feel for you. Good luck.

by: Jmcf 5 years, 5 months ago
replying to Red

I am dealing with the same thing. my heart goes out to you. I try to take myself away from the drama of my situation by getting away from the house as much as I can. I go for a walk or to the library instead of going home and using. It really is hard to get away all the time but if I separate myself from the using, even for a few hours, it is progress.

by: anonymous 5 years, 5 months ago

double standards are infuriating but not blaming anyone is the moral high road that wins in the end

by: MMA 5 years, 5 months ago

I got out of the house more. it helped some. HOT BATHS totally, even if I was sittin in 8 or 10 baths a day/nite. I got clean and was clean for a month b4 someone I lived with got clean also. nearly hardest month of my life, I smoked over a pack a day.

by: J 5 years, 5 months ago