Never anger the mind you wish to persuade

To stay sober, we need to be understanding of others. We need to be compassionate. We need to create peace more often than disharmony. A problem arises because we addicts tend to have no control over ourselves, particularly our mouths, even when we are not intoxicated. We have big egos. We often think we know a lot more than anyone else. We also can be obnoxious and overbearing. Consequently, we have the unique ability to anger others. Interestingly, we anger others when it is the least opportune time to do so and when we are actually trying to persuade and convince others. Remember, sometimes kindness is more persuasive than assertiveness. We need to remember that peace of mind is our ambition, not angering ourselves and others. Peace of mind leads to sobriety.


Often we feel compelled to act when we really need to exercise self restraint. Self restraint of tongue is a good decision making skill. Listen to the other person's position and be respectful and only gently assertive when necessary. Self restraint is conducive to sobriety. 


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