You can't stay clean on yesterday's shower

If you think you can stay clean and sober, by relying on what you did for your recovery in the past, you are in danger. Your disorder is still at work even if you are not using or drinking. To avoid relapse, you must do something recovery oriented today. That could be calling a recovering friend, reading your recovery literature, or attending a support meeting. It could also be living the right way now by making an amend to someone you have harmed. It could be making a decision to turn your will and life over to the care of your Higher Power (which can be your recovery program, spiritual force, holistic approach, or a combination of whatever restores you to sanity) and doing the next right thing according to the four absolutes.


Refuse to be lazy or depressed! Refuse to procrastinate! What can you do right now to practice your recovery program?  Good for you for using this app as a part of your recovery!