Sometimes you can't fix a problem, you can only deal with it

I double checked the instructions. While holding down the "program" button, I pressed the "advance time" button, but the time did not change. There was no way I was doing the procedure incorrectly. But the time would not set. Therefore, I could not program the coffee maker to have my precious coffee ready when I woke up. Another example: a troubled client sends me a threatening email on the first day of my vacation. Another example: a young couple is told that they can never have children. From little issues like my coffee maker not working to life challenges like being told you can never have children, there are times when you cannot fix a problem, you can only deal with it so that it does not destroy your serenity or the manageability of your life.


Don't use to escape the pain.  Your job is to not allow your pain to make you do something that will result in bad consequences. Instead, practice acceptance, not judgment. Although unexpected and unfair, accept that each of us must deal with adversity. Don't feel like you must bear it alone. Ask friends and therapists for guidance and support. Create a plan to deal with adversity. Perhaps, you will have to be a bit more patient to deal with an unexpected problem. Perhaps you will have to reprioritize certain life goals to best play the new "hand of cards" you have been dealt. But be patient, the pain will leave. In the meantime, breathe easy and tell yourself you can deal with it.

