Stopping drugging is the master password, but it is not enough.

The emotional reconstruction of the decay caused by my alcoholism occurs day by day. The breaking of patterns of behavior brings me more and more Serenity. Steps 4 through 7 particularly rebuild me. The meetings have been very important, because through them I always remember that I have an incurable disease and it leaves me alert as to the return of old patterns. I can only tell you that you will gain day by day what you never imagined. It's slow, not easy, but it's worth it. It is often said that in a recovery meeting, the disease goes out through the mouth (by sharing feelings)  and the medicine enters through the ear. And this has kept me clean and sober, just for today.


Today I will remember that the person I was will drink and use again. I will not fear changing myself and how I respond to people, places and situations.

