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The Parable of the Angel and the Imp

Try our new book:     A SoberTool user writes: ...

The End of Suffering

Try our new book:   1. THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING:...

If your Higher Power seems far away, who moved?

"The alcoholic at certain times has no effective mental defense against the first...

Live by the "Principle of the Sundial."

Have you ever seen a sundial? It is basically a disk with recorded hours and a pin...

As I miss my Grandmother

  As I miss my Grandmother, I remember she had the incredible gift of making me...

Stop fighting and try Wisdom

I have been sober for 35 years and I have more interpersonally, emotionally, intellectually,...

Stop biting chains

Doing a retrospective today I see that I was not born drinking industrially. As I...

Suit up, show up, and sweep my side of the street.

In recovery, I have learned that I need to take care of my business, not everybody...

Finding the Light

  I woke up yesterday, on new years day, with my usually bad hangover and I decided...

Happy New Child

Talking to my AA’s sponsor the other day, I told him that we have already been very...