I'm feeling Patience

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The Serenity Poem

Not all wrong, not all right. Life is seldom black or white. In the now, on we...

If you walk 25 miles into the woods, you need to walk 25 miles out of the woods.

Don't expect life to be perfect just because you stopped using.  There will be consequences...

The truth will set you free but first it will anger you.

Nobody wants to hear that they should change. Nobody wants to take an honest self-examination....

Issue, said slowly, becomes, "It's You."

Say the word "issue" slowly a few times. Pause slightly between the first and second...

EGO stands for Ease God Out

As distinguished from the Freudian definitions of Superego, Ego, and the Id, Ego...

Don't turn someone else's character defect into your resentment

If you feel resentful, you are the one suffering from it not the person you resent....

There is something more important than what you think is so important

Don't allow life to make you angry or depressed. What you think is the end of the...

Give time time.

Eventually it will all work out. I need to be less impatient. Problems either resolve,...

Change anger to gratitude

My friend left his car in my driveway where no one ever parks, and I backed into...

Patience First

When impatient or confronted with a shocking problem, the first thing you want to...