I'm feeling Drink

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What has no solution, is solved

Deal with the past by looking at it with love and giving value for learning from...

The sailor who has been in the dark is the best guide for other sailors

Today I am grateful to be in recovery because I am uniquely able to help other recovering...

Stopping drinking is the master password, but it is not enough.

The emotional reconstruction of the decay caused by my alcoholism occurs day by day....

It's not how much you drink, it's what drinking does to you.

"It is not how much you drink, it is what drinking does to you." Big Book p. 443...

Today I don't have to, I get to.

When I was using, I had to cover my tracks, run from authority, and suffer all the...

Hello, I'm an Alcoholic and my problem is Me

The Big Book says, "Our liquor was but a symptom." The disease is in me, and how...

The 12 steps have the best success rate

12 step programs may not be the only way to stay sober, but the 12 steps work IF...

GOD stands for Group of Drunks

"G.O.D. stands for group of drunks (in recovery)." Recovery steps rarely say "I."...

If you do what you did, you'll get what you got

The person I was will drink again. Therefore, I must change. The first time I heard...

Why do bad things keep happening to me?

Life contains suffering regardless of how well you are working your recovery program....