I'm feeling Sad

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The Pink Cloud

People in early recovery experience something called the "Pink Cloud." Despite facing...

What has no solution, is solved

Deal with the past by looking at it with love and giving value for learning from...

The sailor who has been in the dark is the best guide for other sailors

Today I am grateful to be in recovery because I am uniquely able to help other recovering...

Stopping drinking is the master password, but it is not enough.

The emotional reconstruction of the decay caused by my alcoholism occurs day by day....

Money is just a bunch of dead Presidents on dirty paper

Money can't get you sober. Money actually allows addicts to keep using. Wealthy addicts...

Sometimes it takes a storm to see how much time has been wasted worrying about the squalls.

The pandemic of 2020! The Great Famine of 1845! The Great Depressions of 1929 and...


In the Big Book, it says that the goal of sobriety is for you to be "happy, joyous,...

Our EGO is an illusion so why let it bother us?

How many times do we feel sad, hurt or even worthless because our ego is pierced?...

Don't accept invitations to pity parties

Be aware of what gives you self pity. For example, many feel sad just because they...

Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink

Frustration and sadness cause pity parties which lead to relapse. They sometimes...