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can't figure how to turn my will over to the care of God of my understanding

created by: TiffanyR 2 years, 9 months ago

Your will is your thoughts and feelings and actions. Turning those things over (letting go) and doing the next right thing is how you give it to a God of your understanding. For example, last night I was very upset with a couple people and I really wanted to act out. I wanted to start an argument with my husband and his mother because his mother let our son take a nap really late in the day while she was watching him, meaning I would have to stay up later than usual with him. That was MY will- to start a fight and try and control the situation to make my life easier and let these people know just how much they inconvenienced me.
Instead, I paused and called my sponsor and told her what was going on, why I was angry and what I wanted to do. She gave me advice and gave me a new perspective. I calmed down and talked to my husband about what happened and it turned out he was just as upset as I was and instead of arguing and getting into a rip roaring fight, we came up with a solution where nobody gets their feelings hurt. By turning it over and talking to my sponsor, I was able to do the next right thing and get back into God's will.
Most of the time you will feel self-will in your body, overwhelming feelings are a good indicator. When my chest is tight and I feel it rising up into my throat, I know I either need to call someone and talk to them about what is going on and get a new perspective, or pray and not act on that situation until God gives me the next right action to do.

by: Inubyte 2 years, 9 months ago
replying to Inubyte

I agree with Inubyte. What a great way to handle it. For me, I usually first need to pray for patience. Patience can be so difficult. But if I really have faith, things always work out if I trust my Higher Power.

by: Grateful 2 years, 9 months ago

For me I just pictured it as riding a horse or driving a wagon and letting go of the reins. Let God do with them what he will but I'll still be on this horse or sitting in this wagon along for the ride. You give God the control, you surrender.

by: FunkeyPlunkey 2 years, 9 months ago

Each of us has different techniques to overcome the mental committee meetings. I usually grab the dogs leash and take her for a walk. While doing so, I think the situation through. By the end of our stroll together, I'm giggling to myself. As to how small this issue is compared to my overall situation. I always have an exit strategy, even while in my own house.

by: kkdad 2 years, 9 months ago