If you do what you did, you will get what you got

The person I was will drink again. Therefore, I must change. The first time I heard this I was offended. I didn't want to be brainwashed, but a good washing was what I needed. I soon learned that changing meant that I was not losing myself; rather, I was just changing the bad parts of myself. Changing meant doing things differently. For example, going to AA meetings instead of bars, helping others without worrying about what I was getting in return, doing my Higher Power's will and not mine. The result was that I did not get the misery I had while drinking. Instead, I received a loving family and a blessed lifestyle.

If you feel offended by anyone, try changing your attitude by asking yourself if there is something you need to change about yourself. Sometimes, it may be that you need to change resentment to acceptance. Sometimes it may be that you need to change resentment to sympathy for the other person.


Don't use for right now. And don’t fear change. don't do the same things you did when you were using. Don't react to life like you did when you were using or you will return to using. A great way to change is to get to a recovery meeting. For example, try picking up the list of the 12 steps. The steps lead to a new you. Embrace change today by asking your Sponsor right now to work the 12 steps with you. Ask your Sponsor what a sober person should do.

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