"It's better to put on slippers than to carpet the World." - Kerry Kelly

Are you making things more difficult than they have to be? Is all of this trying to control the World just causing you stress? Is all of this manipulation getting you what you want or is it just causing others to resist you? Are any rewards worth the aggravation? When I was drinking, I can remember wasting long hours at the barstool insanely pointing out to everyone exactly what was wrong with the World. In recovery, we learn that sobriety and serenity are the priorities, and that these treasures occur when we change ourselves, not others. If it seems necessary to try to help someone, we do so as gently as possible. If others do not respond, we find solace in thinking that others have the right to find their own loving Higher Power and we pray that they may find it. When we stop controlling others and start changing ourselves by practicing the 12 steps, we come to realize that the World is not so bad. We realize that others don't have the power they used to have over us. By changing ourselves, our perception of situations change, and this change has the wonderful effect of improving situations which used to baffle us. I no longer am stressed, anxious, fearful, or depressed, and all I had to do was change my attitude, not carpet the World. 


Today I will take comfort in knowing that my daily recovery practice is like putting on a pair of slippers that will keep my feet comfortable.

Please get our new book: https://www.amazon.com/One-Minute-Serenity-Revised-Strategies/dp/B0BNVF9Q44