Do you have stress, worry, fear, anxiety, or a restless brain?

Select a related message from the list below

Make it all fun.

Monopoly takes concentration, calm, resilience, the ability to handle frustration,...

Keep your feet moving.

Things are not going to go as planned. The laptop battery is going to drain too fast....

Be in this World but not of it

The other day, I told my AA Sponsor I was in a paradox. Thanks to the reconstruction...

Problems never end, But Solutions Never end either.

Stay positive. If your brain keeps thinking "my God, as soon as one problem ends,...

Addiction has no age

A SoberTool user writes, "Six days sober and just turned 21 and all I get is laughed...

Commonsense is realizing what's worth trying to change and what isn't

At the risk of being egotistical, and knowing that one should not mess with perfection,...

Unselfishness is Self-Caring

I am usually upset when something I don't like is happening to me. A tool to take...

"Always in motion is the future." - Yoda

Yoda understands sobriety. He knows that to try to control the future is like trying...

Sometimes my Higher Power calms the storm, other times my Higher Power calms me until the storm passes.

When troubles come, we are never alone. We may not be able to control the storm but...

Mindfulness is like walking on a safe tightrope

What would you be thinking if you were walking on a tightrope? Would you be worried...