You feel like you can't change?

Select a related message from the list below

Everywhere you go, you take yourself with you

There is no such thing as a geographical cure. You can't move to Hawaii to get sober....

A broken brain cannot fix a broken brain.

According to the American Medical Association, the organ that is injured with addiction...

Beware of self-lying

If I am toying with the idea of using, I am toying with the idea of trying to control...

You're as sick as your secrets

Keeping things to yourself because you are ashamed is sobriety threatening. That...

We make our own bologna sandwiches

"A man may perform astonishing feats and comprehend a vast amount of knowledge, and...

Recovery is a three legged stool

"Recovery is a three legged stool: principles, fellowship, and Higher Power. If one...

If you do what you did, you will get what you got

The person I was will drink again. Therefore, I must change. The first time I heard...

Hopelessness is a good thing

"It's okay to feel hopeless." If you suddenly feel hopeless because all you can...

H.O.W. stands for Honesty, Openmindedness, and Willingness

So how do I - someone who has hit bottom (which means someone who does not know how...

Are you climbing the relapse ladder?

Relapse is at the top of a nine step ladder of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors....