I'm feeling Faith

Select a related message from the list below

I don't care what anybody says, life is good

There is a person at an AA meeting that says this phrase at the end of every comment...

It doesn't matter who is right, it matters who is - left

"In recovery, it doesn't matter who is right, it matters who is – left." Sometimes...

Fake it til you make it

So you're asking me to turn my life and will over to a Higher Power? Yes! That Higher...

The sailor who has been in the dark is the best guide for other sailors

Today I am grateful to be in recovery because I am uniquely able to help other recovering...

Fear is thinking you are not going to get your way in the future

Don’t think about whether you are going to get the outcome you want. Substitute serving...

Surrender to Win

PERSON WHO JUST QUIT USING: "I don't feel like I need to try to connect with others...

"It takes a busload of faith to get by" - Lou Reed

Sometimes we feel completely lost. We feel like there is no God, no friend, nothing...

Yes But

"Yes, but…" Do you find yourself thinking of a reason to disagree as someone else...

When you open up, they open up.

Sobriety involves practicing the 12th step which includes helping others. Often if...

Lower Your Expectations

One way to ruin our serenity and head for a relapse is to have too high expectations...