I'm feeling Bad

Select a related message from the list below

I'm quite happy with who I am, thank you.

Being sober means being happy in your own skin regardless of what the World throws...

When I'm sober I can be a good person, when I'm not sober I have to convince myself I'm a good person.

When I was trapped by my addiction, I would spend hours telling myself that I wasn't...

It's not stupidity, It's insanity.

Addiction is a disease. It is a mental health disorder. It has nothing to do with...


Not all wrong, not all right, Life is never black or white, In the now, on we...

There is something more important than what you think is so important

Don't allow life to make you angry or depressed. What you think is the end of the...

The tow truck driver was kind.

Oh no! The other car wiped out my entire right side of my car. My right arm might...

The Pink Cloud

People in early recovery experience something called the "Pink Cloud." Despite facing...

What has no solution, is solved

Deal with the past by looking at it with love and giving value for learning from...

Are you a wounded healer?

"Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally,...

The sailor who has been in the dark is the best guide for other sailors

Today I am grateful to be in recovery because I am uniquely able to help other recovering...